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Two gold nuggets are noted for being the largest masses of gold ever discovered. These are the "Welcome Stranger" and the "Hand of Faith". Their respective "largest" titles, however, carry further qualifications. The Welcome Stranger Gold Nugget: The exact distinction given of this gold nugget is: "the largest alluvial gold nugget ever found". Silver: Precious Metal With The Highest Thermal And Electrical Conductivity Silver is generally described as a soft, white, lustrous metallic chemical element. It occurs naturally in its pure form, as an alloy with other metallic elements (especially gold), and in chlorargyrite and other minerals. As one of three coinage metals (the other two being copper and gold), silver is very malleable and ductile. While some accounts point to the year 1848 when gold was discovered in California, history tells us that this precious metal was already being used extensively by the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Chinese, and South Americans. Throughout history, gold has served as a measure of value and a symbol of wealth. Gold Standard: Definition And The Three Distinct Kinds The gold standard is defined in many different reference materials as a monetary system in which the unit of currency used is a fixed quantity or weight of gold. Under this system, all forms of money, including notes and bank deposits, were freely converted into gold at the fixed price. Compared to most other elements, precious metals are chemically less reactive, have higher melting points, and are more ductile - properties that make them ideal for many commercial and industrial applications. In earlier times, precious metals were mainly used as currency. Today, however, they are highly regarded as investment and industrial commodities. mol-1 (third) Rhenium is silvery-white in appearance. It is the third element (after tungsten and carbon) with the highest melting point and the fourth densest (after platinum, iridium, and osmium). Commercially, rhenium is traded in powder form. Its principal application is in the making of certain parts of jet engines. 

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