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Precious Metals and Commodities Weekly

South African Krugerrand 8. Swiss Vreneli 9. British Britannia and Sovereign 10. American Buffalo, American Eagle, and Double Eagle The 10,000-dollar Australian Gold Nugget is one of the world's largest bullion coins. Minted by the Australian government, this bullion coin is made of 1 kilogram of 99.9% pure gold. These characteristics are maintained as gold is chemically unaffected by air or moisture. Here are some of the properties of gold: General: Chemical Symbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Category (as an element): Transition Metal Group/ Period/ Block (in the Periodic Table): 11/ 6/ d Atomic Weight: 196.966569(4) g. Clothing (silver ions are mixed with the polymer to make yarns). 9. Medicine (silver compounds and silver ions have toxic effect on some viruses, fungi and bacteria, but not on humans). 10. Currency or coinage (as in silver bullion). The principal sources of silver are copper, lead, zinc and gold ores. These include absorption, fluorescence, X-ray, flame, visible, ultraviolet, infrared, photoemission, Mossbauer, nuclear magnetic resonance, and Raman. Again, the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method is the modern assay method widely used today for analyzing precious metals, including (besides silver, gold, and platinum) rhenium, ruthenium, iridium, and palladium. The gold particles, having higher density than the other materials (examples, mud, sand and gravel; also, gold is about nineteen times heavier than water), settle to the bottom of the pan, while the lighter materials are washed over the side. Sluice Box: This method uses the same principle as that in gold panning, only on a larger scale. The extreme toxicity and volatility of osmium's oxide makes it nearly impossible for this element to be used in its pure state. For this reason, it is often necessary to alloy osmium with other elements for use in high-wear applications. For example, osmiridium (a natural alloy of osmium and iridium) is alloyed with the other metals in the platinum group and used in instrument pivots and phonograph needles (apart from electrical contacts and fountain pen tips as mentioned earlier). 

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