When alloyed with some of the other metals in the platinum group, such as iridium or platinum, osmium is used in certain applications where extreme hardness and durability are required. A couple examples of these are for electrical contacts and for tips of high quality fountain pens. Some of the properties osmium possesses are outlined below. By adding salmiac (ammonium chloride), he then precipitated the platinum. All other metals, including rhodium, were precipitated with zinc. Rhodium was further precipitated by the addition of sodium chloride. Finally, it was washed with ethanol and reacted with zinc, forming the precious metal that it is known today. Placer Mining: Three Methods Used To Mine Placer Gold The word placer, as will be found throughout here, is derived from the same Spanish word which means "sandbank". It specifically refers to an alluvial deposit of detrital material, such as gravel, which contains particles of precious chemical elements. It is the third element (after tungsten and carbon) with the highest melting point and the fourth densest (after platinum, iridium, and osmium). Commercially, rhenium is traded in powder form. Its principal application is in the making of certain parts of jet engines. Here, the metal is added to high-temperature nickel-based superalloys. Medicine (silver compounds and silver ions have toxic effect on some viruses, fungi and bacteria, but not on humans). 10. Currency or coinage (as in silver bullion). The principal sources of silver are copper, lead, zinc and gold ores. It also occurs in the minerals chlorargyrite and argentite. Of course, silver occurs natively, too. 1/2 ounce coin - With 15.552 g platinum content, 15.6 g in weight, and 27 mm in diameter. 5. 1 ounce coin - With 31.103 g platinum content, 31.119 g in weight, and 32.7 mm in diameter. The coins have no currency value. Their value, rather, is equal to their respective platinum contents. All coins consist of 0.9995 pure platinum.
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