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Precious Metals Investing, Consider Platinum as Well as Silver

mol-1 (third) Despite having higher electrical conductivity than copper, silver isn't as much used for electrical purposes as copper is. There are two reasons for this: first is that silver has a greater tendency to tarnish; and second is that silver is much more expensive. As a precious metal, silver has been much valued for ages with its so many applications, as in the following: 1. Distribution of these were as follows: electrochemical uses (1,100 kilograms); electrical uses (780 kilograms); for catalysis (750 kilograms); and other applications (1,100 kilograms). Iridium is found at highest concentrations within the Earth's crust in three specific types of geologic structures: in impact craters, in igneous deposits, and in deposits reworked from either of the first two. But while platinum is generally resistant to corrosion, it is corroded by certain elements, such as cyanides (potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide), caustic alkalis, sulfur, and any of the five halogens (astatine, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine). The following lists some of the properties of platinum: General: * Chemical Symbol: Pt * Atomic Number: 78 * Category (as an element): Transition Metal * Group/ Period/ Block (in the Periodic Table): 10/ 6/ d * Atomic Weight: 195.084 g. In the following list, the names of the discoverers and name etymologies of the seven precious metals (again, those with recorded discoveries) are provided. The year of discovery of each of these elements, as presented here, refers to the year when the element was first identified as the pure element. mol-1 Atomic: Oxidation States: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 Electronegativity: 1.9 (Pauling scale) Atomic Radius: 137 picometre Covalent Radius: 151 7 picometre Ionization Energies: 760 kJ.mol-1 (first), 1260 kJ.mol-1 (second), 2510 kJ.mol-1 (third) Rhenium is silvery-white in appearance. It is the third element (after tungsten and carbon) with the highest melting point and the fourth densest (after platinum, iridium, and osmium). And of all these precious metal coins, the South African gold bullion coin Krugerrand is perhaps the most popular. In 1967, the South African Mint Company introduced the Krugerrand, with the intention of circulating it as currency. Its status as a legal tender was seen as the best way for marketing South African gold around the world. 

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