The Hand of Faith Gold Nugget: This gold nugget actually carries two distinctions: "the largest gold nugget found by a metal detector" and "the largest gold nugget currently in existence". It was discovered on September 26, 1980 somewhere near the small town of Kingower in Victoria, Australia. A trommel specifically consists of a rotating metal tube that is slightly tilted, with a screen at the discharge end. Attached to the inside part of the metal tube are lifter bars. Ore is fed into the trommel through its elevated end. Pressurized water is supplied to the tube and the screen sections. While these assay methods are suited for finished goods (again because they are non-destructive), three other methods are more suited for raw precious metals: Titration: This assay method is one of the most widely used laboratory technique, which involves the analysis and determination of unknown concentration of a given reactant. It is found in nature in natural alloys or as a pure element. Similar to the other precious metals in the platinum group, osmium can be found in alloys with copper or nickel. The extreme toxicity and volatility of osmium's oxide makes it nearly impossible for this element to be used in its pure state. Of this group of metals, platinum is considered the most widely traded, as it is extensively used in the following: catalytic converters; dental alloys and other dentistry equipment; electrical conductors; resistive thermal devices, laboratory dishes and such other equipment capable of resisting chemical attack even in high temperature; and, of course, jewelry. What makes pure gold especially attractive is its bright yellow color and luster. These characteristics are maintained as gold is chemically unaffected by air or moisture. Here are some of the properties of gold: General: Chemical Symbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Category (as an element): Transition Metal Group/ Period/ Block (in the Periodic Table): 11/ 6/ d Atomic Weight: 196.966569(4) g.
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